Did You Know?
Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress. The Aeon patch .
Depending on where you live, driving can be a full on sport! Traffic, construction, drivers texting, speeding and simply not paying attention. It can be stressful – especially when you are on a long trip.
Relief is here!
Want to eliminate some of the anxiety and stress while driving?
Lifewave Aeon patch to the rescue! It’s as easy as placing an Aeon patch on the back of your neck right at the top of your spine where the bump is.
Aeon reflects particular wavelengths of light, which stimulate specific points on the skin that Aeon reduces inflammation, cortisol, C-Reative proteins and stress. It elevates SOD, and balances autonomous nervous system and hormonal production. It is also known as the ‘happy’ patch as patching Aeon is likened to consuming 30 cups of Royal Jelly a day. Here are some other applications spots for the Aeon patch.

Whether your stress is from driving, work or an unexpected event, try an Aeon patch and let us know how Aeon works for you!